YT232996 - ARBATA玫瑰洛神花茶 Rose Roselle Tea



⏰截單 :逢星期五 23:00 🔜預計到貨:約7-14工作天 *由於國際物流未恢復正常,貨期有機會早到或延遲,面對不可控因素請大家見諒,多多包涵* *溫馨提示: 所提供的圖片文字全是網上搜尋只是僅供參考實品還是依照出貨實物* 玫瑰洛神花茶 Rose Roselle Tea 材料:冰糖,洛神花,橘皮,紅棗,黑杞子,菊花,茉莉花,丹鳳牡丹花,重瓣玫瑰花 Ingredients:Rock sugar, Roselle, Orange peel, Red dates, Black wolfberries, Chrysanthemum, Jasmine, Danfeng Peony Flower, Double Rose 功效:理氣解鬱,活血散瘀,調經止痛,養顏減肥,養神抗抑鬱,溫養心肝 Health Function:Loose stasis, Tune Menstruation,Pain Relief, Beauty & Weight Loss, Rejuvenating & Anti-depressant, Nourishing the Heart & Liver 建議飲用方法:取一茶包置入杯中,沖入300毫升沸水,待5-10分鐘後飲用。如以室溫水沖泡,待20-25分鐘後飲用。飲用前攪拌均勻。 Directions: Brew in hot water, steep 10-15 minutes. Brew in room-temperature water, steep 20-25 minutes. Stir well before serving. 儲存方法:請存放於陰涼乾爽處,避免陽光直射,開封後盡快飲用。如預較長時間食用,建議封好放入0-8℃雪櫃。 Storage: Store in a cool, dry place. If storing for a longer length of time, seal and store in a refrigerator at 0-8℃. 建議:嬰兒、孕婦、哺乳期女性及12歲以下兒童不宜飲用。 Caution: Infants, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and children under 12 years old should refrain from consuming this product. 熱沖 Hot Water 冷泡 Cool Water 規格:盒裝 (15茶包) Capacity:15pcs 產地:香港 Origin:HK *免責聲明: 產品成效因人而異,不應取代醫療保健。產品信息不用於診斷,治療,治愈或預防任何疾病。 Disclaimer: Product results vary from person to person and should not be a substitute for healthcare. Product information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
